Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos

Los ciudadanos  estadounidenses que residen en el extranjero tienen la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos todos los aà ±os. Recordar que vivir fuera del paà ­s no es causa suficiente para perder la nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, hay que seguir cumpliendo con obligaciones, como la del pago de impuestos. El propio Departamento de Estado desconoce cuà ¡ntos estadounidenses residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y estima que la cifra puede estar entre los 3 y los seis millones, sin incluir en el cà ³mputo a los militares destinados en el extranjero. Por cierto, esta exigencia de pago de impuestos tambià ©n aplica a los hombres y mujeres que sirven en el exterior en cualquiera de las cuatro ramas de los Ejà ©rcitos americanos (Army, Navy, Air y Marines). Y esta obligacià ³n incluso continà ºa por 10 aà ±os para las personas que renuncian a la nacionalidad para no pagar impuestos. Y es que à ©sta es en la actualidad una de las razones mà ¡s comunes por las que se renuncia al pasaporte americano, si bien no es la à ºnica como muestran estos 10 amosos que decidieron abandonar su condicià ³n de estadounidenses. Con la finalidad de informar sobre cà ³mo cumplir con esta obligacià ³n, en este artà ­culo se explica cuà ¡nto y cà ³mo presentar la planilla de impuestos, cà ³mo identificar a los familiares que no son ciudadanos y un enlace al listado de paà ­ses con los que Estados Unidos tiene un tratado firmado para evitar la doble imposicià ³n. Es decir, para evitar pagar en el paà ­s en el que se vive y tambià ©n en Estados Unidos (pero aà ºn en esos casos en los que no hay que pagar es necesario presentar las planillas). Cuà ¡nto Hay Que Presentar Las Planillas De Impuestos (Filing) En Estados Unidos el à ºltimo dà ­a para enviar las planillas de las taxes es el 15 de abril. Sin embargo, los expatriados y residentes que viven en el extranjero tienen una extensià ³n automà ¡tica de dos meses. En otras palabras, tienen hasta el 15 de junio para cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias. Si en esa fecha todavà ­a no està ¡n listos para cumplir con el IRS, pueden solicitar mediante la planilla  4868 que se le conceda una extensià ³n adicional hasta el 15 de octubre. Sin embargo, este nuevo plazo puede llevar aparejado que tengan que pagar intereses de demora e incluso una multa. Cà ³mo Desgravar Familiares Extranjeros Puede suceder que un ciudadano expatriado o un residente permanente legal que se encuentra temporalmente en el extranjero està ©n casados o tengan hijos que no tengan su mismo estatus legal, desde el punto de vista americano y, por lo tanto, no tengan un nà ºmero de seguridad social (NSS). Estos nà ºmeros son necesarios para poder desgravar a una persona como dependiente a la hora de rellenar las planillas de impuestos. La solucià ³n para estos casos es solicitar un ITIN, o nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal que se puede solicitar desde el extranjero. Dà ³nde Deben Los Expatriados Enviar Las Planillas De Impuestos Es posible utilizar internet recurriendo a Freefile. O tambià ©n se admite enviar en papel toda la documentacià ³n a: Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service CenterAustin, TX 73301-0215USA Y el pago, junto con la forma 1040-S a: Internal Revenue ServiceP.O. Box 1300Charlotte, NC 28201-1300USA Ayuda Para Rellenar Las Planillas Para Pago De Impuestos Por Expatriados Si tiene dudas, siempre se puede contactar directamente con el IRS, o llamar al 1 267-941-1000 (telà ©fono de pago). Algunas embajadas y consulados, en paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de estadounidenses expatriados, brindan un servicio para ayudar a los ciudadanos a cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias, como son los casos de Londres, Parà ­s, Frankfurt y Beijing. Cuentas Bancarias en El Exterior Estados Unidos impone sobre sus ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales la obligacià ³n de declarar las cuentas de banco que tienen en el exterior y los intereses que puedan producir. Tambià ©n se debe notificar cualquier tipo de fondos de inversià ³n. La cantidad a partir de la cual se debe declarar son $10,000 La forma a cumplimentar es la TD-90.22.1 Cà ¡lculo De Ingresos a Declarar Lo mà ¡s comà ºn es que los expatriados y residentes permanentes en el exterior ganen sus ingresos en una moneda distinta al dà ³lar americano. Pero la declaracià ³n para el pago de impuestos debe haber convertido todas las cantidades a la divisa estadounidense. Se puede hacer una estimacià ³n anual teniendo en cuenta todas las fluctuaciones en el cambio del valor de las monedas. O si los ingresos corresponden a fechas concretas, es posible declarar el cambio exacto que la divisa extranjera tenà ­a en tal fecha frente al dà ³lar. Tratados Para Evitar La Doble Imposicià ³n Es posible que los expatriados deban  pagar dos veces por los mismos ingresos: en el paà ­s de residencia y en Estados Unidos. Todo depende de si hay tratado de doble imposicià ³n  o no entre ambas naciones. Derechos De Los Ciudadanos Americanos en El Exterior La ciudadanà ­a americana da obligaciones pero, sin duda, tambià ©n derechos y privilegios. Para los estadounidenses en el exterior destacan la posibilidad de cobrar su cheque de jubilacià ³n, aunque no se puede beneficiar de Medicare. Asimismo, en muchos casos pueden transmitir la ciudadanà ­a americana a los hijos que tienen y nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos. Y, por supuestos, si regresan a Estados Unidos pueden pedir una green card para sus familiares. Si bien antes de presentar los papeles informarse sobre posibles problemas. El caso mà ¡s tà ­pico es cuando se intenta pedir una green card para el cà ³nyuge, pero el mismo inconveniente se presenta cuando se solicita otro familiar ya que no se pueden probar ingresos en Estados unidos, por lo que es muy conveniente estar informado. Reglas De Pago De Impuestos Para Residentes Permanentes Fuera De Estados Unidos Los residentes permanentes legales tienen una limitacià ³n sobre el tiempo que pueden permanecer en el extranjero sin poner en peligro la tenencia de su tarjeta. Deben pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos por los ingresos que perciban durante su estancia en el exterior. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los residentes permanentes que abandonan su green card para evitar pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es consejo legal o fiscal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pervasive Computing IBMs Autonomic System and the...

Pervasive Computing: IBMs Autonomic System and the Cautions Necessary Pervasive computing is here. It is being integrated into our society in as many ways that can be thought up. Chips are popping up in everyday objects. Cars, planes, ships, phones, PDA’s, refrigerators, and soon a person’s hat, shoes, and clothing. This is all well and good, the advancement of technology is something that has always and will always be a constant in our culture. The need for more interconnectivity is becoming more apparent in business, schools, and personal lives. IBM is working on a project, called Autonomic Computing, which will create a universal standard for technology and the integration of electronic devices. One of their claims for†¦show more content†¦The Autonomic Computing network will behave in a similar manner, having control its own system. IBM suggests 8 elements that will be present in an autonomic system. The elements suggest a computer system that is â€Å"self-aware,† knowing its current status, configuration, and u ltimate capacity. The system will also be â€Å"self-healing† and â€Å"self-protecting.† If the system experiences partial failure, it will be able to repair and resume full functionality. The system needs to be able to detect and repel attacks to the system. It also will need to be constantly searching for new ways to improve itself and its communication with the users and other systems. John Thackara, director of Door of Perception, conveyed his concern that pervasive computing is infiltrating out society in such a way that we are becoming machine dependant. The problem with the pervasive computing and the Autonomic System is that it removes the responsibility from our lives. It is like the frog in boiling water story. If a frog is directly placed into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out as fast as it was put in. If, however, the frog is placed in a pot of cold water that is heated up, the frog – unaware of the slow yet constant increase in temperature, will be cooked before it is aware of any danger. This scenario can be paralleled in our society. If a person 25 years old from the 19th century were placed in today’s society, that person would jump out in terror and

Friday, December 13, 2019

P1 web architecture and components ver2 Free Essays

Web architecture: Web architecture is a way of designing and planning of websites that include different areas like WWW, ISP etc. Such web architectures are discussed below. Internet Service provider: Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the organizations which provide internet services to the people and other organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on P1 web architecture and components ver2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now ISP provides different software packages which includes surname, password, and access to the phones and sometimes to the TV channels. For this service their customer pays certain amount to their package. There are different organizations which provide internet service and have different features like different speed of connection to the internet. The speed of the internet connection affects the performance of the websites such as the download speed of a video clip. Web Hosting Service: Web hosting service is an internet hosting service which allows the individual and larger organizations to host their website. The website can be accessed and viewed using World Wide Web. The client pays a certain amount of money monthly to their web hosting service and these hosts provide storage capacity and different management facilities and technical support and service. These host company charges the organization or the individual by looking the static of how many users use the website per month and other various features on the web. Domain Structure: Domain name is the address of the website in the World Wide Web called IP address. This can be accessed through the internet. Such addresses are difficult to remember and might not have meaning with regards to the web page. So the owner of the website has to purchase a domain name to link to the IP address so that their website can be accessed to the internet. The domain names are kept easier so that the user can understand and remember it. A easier example of a domain name is www. Google. Com† which also owns other domain name â€Å"www. Google. Co. UK†. â€Å"WWW is the prefix and â€Å". Com† is the suffix whereas the character between them is the domain name. Domain Name Registrars: Domain Name registrars are the organizations that have authority to the domain names. They provide the domain name and manage the reservation of the internet domain names. The domain name registrars on the I-J are Goddard. Com and 123-erg. Co. UK. When they offer the domain name to the weapon owner, they also claim some amount of money. The registrars have a package of certain amount of certain amount of time. Thus, the longer the mount of the time, the higher the amount of money the weapon owner has to pay to their registrars. World Wide Web: World Wide Web (WWW) is a way of accessing the information stored on the internet. It uses different types of computer languages like http to transmit information. WWW contains text, images, videos, audio and many other multimedia which can be viewed by using browser. Hardware: We can use different types of hardware which help provide internet service. Such hardware includes web server, mail server, proxy server, routers etc. Web Server: Web servers stores web pages and delivers those web pages to the user by using be language http to the web browser. Web server can both be hardware and software. Any individual can turn their computer to the web server by installing the server software. Each server has limited capacity so the website which is hugely us all over the world has multiple web servers. Mail Server: Mail server is a computer server which consists of storage area where email for local users is stored. This server sends and receives emails. This type of server only controls the email traffic on the internet. Proxy Server: Proxy server is a server which shares the internet connection and other services. It is like a web browser which is in between the user and the web server. It can sometimes improve the performance for the users and filters the requests by the user. It is mostly used on the business organizations and colleges. It is to prevent the students and the staffs’ access from specific web sites during the official hour. Router: A router is a device that is connected to two or more networks. Router forwards the data packets along to the different networks. Once the packet is sent from the computer to the router it forwards to the different router till the packet is received by the final device. Router maintains the movement of the packet in the internet while transferring the packet between the user and the server. Software: There are various types of software which links the computer to the internet and other networks. Browser is one of them which locates and displays the content on the World Wide Web. There are various kinds of browser such as Google chrome, Safari, Firebox, Internet Explorer used to surf the internet and web pages. These are the famous and leading browser in the world. Some browsers are preinstall on the new computers while the other browsers can be downloaded from the internet on ere of cost. Email is the other software which is used to receive and send the emails from the email server. The user has their own activated account through which they can send various messages like text, video and pictures. Protocols: Transport and addressing egg TCP/IP Application layer HTTP, HTTPS, ESMTP Web Functionality Web 2. 0: Web 2. 0 is the second generation of the www. It is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. It keeps static web pages that don’t change. It has richer content/broadband. Went 2. 0 refers to the transition from tactic HTML web pages to more dynamic web that is more organized and is based on serving web application to the users. Dynamic website contains web pages that are generated dynamically. Each time the user access to the web page, the HTML is generated in real time and is sent to the user’s browser. For example: Amazon is a dynamic website. When the user gets access to it, the page displays the types of products which might make interest the user by analyzing the users’ purchase history. The site generates the weapon differently to the different users. Blobs: Blob is a personal web page on which the user records and posts their thoughts and pinions, their research and hypothesis principal etc. N a regular basis. The other users can reply to their comments. The blobs are used to share information on the internet. Nowadays the user can use more features and function as compared to the start days of the blob. The blobs are kept up to date so that the information shared is accurate and reliable. Online Application: Online application has changed in recent years. Microsoft office used for home and office purpose now is being used as an online version of word office 365. People can access to the online version and use the word. It is cheaper than to buy the whole software package and easy to access via internet. When there is no internet connection the online version cannot be used. Additionally, online versions don’t have many features than the Microsoft Home office. Other examples include games hosting online accessing via internet (online games) and emails. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is an internet based computing in which different service like servers and storage and application are transferred to an organizations’ computer system via internet. It has an ability to run an application on many connected at the same time. How to cite P1 web architecture and components ver2, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Native Son Analysis Essay Example For Students

Native Son Analysis Essay In Native Son, by Richard Wright, the main character is 20 year old Bigger Thomas. Growing up poor, uneducated, and angry at the whole world, it is almost obvious that Bigger is going to have a rough life. Anger, frustration, and violence are habits for him. He is an experienced criminal, and unable to handle with his wild mood swings, Bigger often explodes in fits of crazy, aggressive outrage. Bigger has grown up with the opinion that he simply has no control over his life. In his mind, he cant ever be anything more than an unskilled, low-wage laborer. He is forced to take a job as a chauffeur for the Daltons to avoid having to watch his own family starve. Strangely, Mr. Dalton is Biggers landlord; he owns most of the company that manages the apartment building where Biggers family lives. Mr. Dalton and other wealthy real estate men are robbing the poor, black tenants on the South Side. What they do is refuse to rent apartments in other neighborhoods to black tenants. By doing this, they create an fake housing shortage on the South Side, and that causes high rents. Mr. Dalton likes to think of himself as a generous man just because he gives money to black schools and offers jobs to poor, timid black boys like Bigger. However, his generosity is only a way for him to get rid of the guilty conscience he has for cheating the poor black residents of Chicago. Mary Dalton, the daughter of Biggers Mr. Dalton, angers Bigger when she ignores the rules of society when it comes to relationships between white women and black men. On his first day on the job, Bigger drives Mary out to meet her boyfriend, Jan. One thing leads to another, and all three of them get drunk. Mary is too drunk to make it to her bedroom on her own, so Bigger helps her up the stairs. Just as he places Mary on her bed, Marys blind mother, Mrs. Dalton, enters the bedroom. Bigger is scared that Mary will give away that he is in the room, so he covers her face with a pillow and accidentally smothers her to death. Unaware that Mary is dead, Mrs. Dalton prays and then leaves the room. Bigger tries to cover his crime by burning Marys body in the Daltons furnace. Then attempts to frame Jan for Marys disappearance. A comment by Biggers girlfriend, Bessie, gives him the idea to try to collect ransom money from the Daltons. He writes a ransom letter and signs it Red, then talks Bessie into taking part in the whole plan. But, when Marys bones are found in the furnace, Bigger and Bessie run away to an empty building. Bigger is scared that he is going to get caught because of Bessie, so he rapes her and then he beats her to death with a brick. Everyone is after Bigger to try to catch him and bring him to jail. He escapes the huge manhunt as long as he can, but he is eventually captured after a huge shoot-out. The press and the public decide his guilt and his punishment before his trial even begins. All the people just assume that Bigger raped Mary before killing her and burned her body to hide the evidence. The white authorities and mob use Bigger as an excuse to terrorize the entire South Side neighborhood. Jan is heartbroken over Marys death, but he finally understands that he is partly guilty too. He realizes that he was wrong to expect Bigger to act differently to him than to any other white man. Jan also realizes that he violated all of the rules that apply to race relations. And the fact that he did that, angered and shamed Bigger. Jan gets his friend, Boris A. Max, to defend Bigger for free. He tries to save Bigger from the death penalty by arguing that what Bigger did was an affect of the environment he was in. Max warns the public that there will be more men like Bigger if America does not put an end to the huge cycle of hate and punishment. But, even after the trial, Bigger is sentenced to death. .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .postImageUrl , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:visited , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:active { border:0!important; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:active , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: SWOT analysis of Adith Health Services EssayBook Reports