Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pago De Impuestos De Expatriados Americanos

Los ciudadanos  estadounidenses que residen en el extranjero tienen la obligacià ³n de pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos todos los aà ±os. Recordar que vivir fuera del paà ­s no es causa suficiente para perder la nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, hay que seguir cumpliendo con obligaciones, como la del pago de impuestos. El propio Departamento de Estado desconoce cuà ¡ntos estadounidenses residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y estima que la cifra puede estar entre los 3 y los seis millones, sin incluir en el cà ³mputo a los militares destinados en el extranjero. Por cierto, esta exigencia de pago de impuestos tambià ©n aplica a los hombres y mujeres que sirven en el exterior en cualquiera de las cuatro ramas de los Ejà ©rcitos americanos (Army, Navy, Air y Marines). Y esta obligacià ³n incluso continà ºa por 10 aà ±os para las personas que renuncian a la nacionalidad para no pagar impuestos. Y es que à ©sta es en la actualidad una de las razones mà ¡s comunes por las que se renuncia al pasaporte americano, si bien no es la à ºnica como muestran estos 10 amosos que decidieron abandonar su condicià ³n de estadounidenses. Con la finalidad de informar sobre cà ³mo cumplir con esta obligacià ³n, en este artà ­culo se explica cuà ¡nto y cà ³mo presentar la planilla de impuestos, cà ³mo identificar a los familiares que no son ciudadanos y un enlace al listado de paà ­ses con los que Estados Unidos tiene un tratado firmado para evitar la doble imposicià ³n. Es decir, para evitar pagar en el paà ­s en el que se vive y tambià ©n en Estados Unidos (pero aà ºn en esos casos en los que no hay que pagar es necesario presentar las planillas). Cuà ¡nto Hay Que Presentar Las Planillas De Impuestos (Filing) En Estados Unidos el à ºltimo dà ­a para enviar las planillas de las taxes es el 15 de abril. Sin embargo, los expatriados y residentes que viven en el extranjero tienen una extensià ³n automà ¡tica de dos meses. En otras palabras, tienen hasta el 15 de junio para cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias. Si en esa fecha todavà ­a no està ¡n listos para cumplir con el IRS, pueden solicitar mediante la planilla  4868 que se le conceda una extensià ³n adicional hasta el 15 de octubre. Sin embargo, este nuevo plazo puede llevar aparejado que tengan que pagar intereses de demora e incluso una multa. Cà ³mo Desgravar Familiares Extranjeros Puede suceder que un ciudadano expatriado o un residente permanente legal que se encuentra temporalmente en el extranjero està ©n casados o tengan hijos que no tengan su mismo estatus legal, desde el punto de vista americano y, por lo tanto, no tengan un nà ºmero de seguridad social (NSS). Estos nà ºmeros son necesarios para poder desgravar a una persona como dependiente a la hora de rellenar las planillas de impuestos. La solucià ³n para estos casos es solicitar un ITIN, o nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal que se puede solicitar desde el extranjero. Dà ³nde Deben Los Expatriados Enviar Las Planillas De Impuestos Es posible utilizar internet recurriendo a Freefile. O tambià ©n se admite enviar en papel toda la documentacià ³n a: Department of the TreasuryInternal Revenue Service CenterAustin, TX 73301-0215USA Y el pago, junto con la forma 1040-S a: Internal Revenue ServiceP.O. Box 1300Charlotte, NC 28201-1300USA Ayuda Para Rellenar Las Planillas Para Pago De Impuestos Por Expatriados Si tiene dudas, siempre se puede contactar directamente con el IRS, o llamar al 1 267-941-1000 (telà ©fono de pago). Algunas embajadas y consulados, en paà ­ses con un alto nà ºmero de estadounidenses expatriados, brindan un servicio para ayudar a los ciudadanos a cumplir con sus obligaciones tributarias, como son los casos de Londres, Parà ­s, Frankfurt y Beijing. Cuentas Bancarias en El Exterior Estados Unidos impone sobre sus ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales la obligacià ³n de declarar las cuentas de banco que tienen en el exterior y los intereses que puedan producir. Tambià ©n se debe notificar cualquier tipo de fondos de inversià ³n. La cantidad a partir de la cual se debe declarar son $10,000 La forma a cumplimentar es la TD-90.22.1 Cà ¡lculo De Ingresos a Declarar Lo mà ¡s comà ºn es que los expatriados y residentes permanentes en el exterior ganen sus ingresos en una moneda distinta al dà ³lar americano. Pero la declaracià ³n para el pago de impuestos debe haber convertido todas las cantidades a la divisa estadounidense. Se puede hacer una estimacià ³n anual teniendo en cuenta todas las fluctuaciones en el cambio del valor de las monedas. O si los ingresos corresponden a fechas concretas, es posible declarar el cambio exacto que la divisa extranjera tenà ­a en tal fecha frente al dà ³lar. Tratados Para Evitar La Doble Imposicià ³n Es posible que los expatriados deban  pagar dos veces por los mismos ingresos: en el paà ­s de residencia y en Estados Unidos. Todo depende de si hay tratado de doble imposicià ³n  o no entre ambas naciones. Derechos De Los Ciudadanos Americanos en El Exterior La ciudadanà ­a americana da obligaciones pero, sin duda, tambià ©n derechos y privilegios. Para los estadounidenses en el exterior destacan la posibilidad de cobrar su cheque de jubilacià ³n, aunque no se puede beneficiar de Medicare. Asimismo, en muchos casos pueden transmitir la ciudadanà ­a americana a los hijos que tienen y nacen fuera de los Estados Unidos. Y, por supuestos, si regresan a Estados Unidos pueden pedir una green card para sus familiares. Si bien antes de presentar los papeles informarse sobre posibles problemas. El caso mà ¡s tà ­pico es cuando se intenta pedir una green card para el cà ³nyuge, pero el mismo inconveniente se presenta cuando se solicita otro familiar ya que no se pueden probar ingresos en Estados unidos, por lo que es muy conveniente estar informado. Reglas De Pago De Impuestos Para Residentes Permanentes Fuera De Estados Unidos Los residentes permanentes legales tienen una limitacià ³n sobre el tiempo que pueden permanecer en el extranjero sin poner en peligro la tenencia de su tarjeta. Deben pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos por los ingresos que perciban durante su estancia en el exterior. Esto tambià ©n aplica a los residentes permanentes que abandonan su green card para evitar pagar impuestos en Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es consejo legal o fiscal.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pervasive Computing IBMs Autonomic System and the...

Pervasive Computing: IBMs Autonomic System and the Cautions Necessary Pervasive computing is here. It is being integrated into our society in as many ways that can be thought up. Chips are popping up in everyday objects. Cars, planes, ships, phones, PDA’s, refrigerators, and soon a person’s hat, shoes, and clothing. This is all well and good, the advancement of technology is something that has always and will always be a constant in our culture. The need for more interconnectivity is becoming more apparent in business, schools, and personal lives. IBM is working on a project, called Autonomic Computing, which will create a universal standard for technology and the integration of electronic devices. One of their claims for†¦show more content†¦The Autonomic Computing network will behave in a similar manner, having control its own system. IBM suggests 8 elements that will be present in an autonomic system. The elements suggest a computer system that is â€Å"self-aware,† knowing its current status, configuration, and u ltimate capacity. The system will also be â€Å"self-healing† and â€Å"self-protecting.† If the system experiences partial failure, it will be able to repair and resume full functionality. The system needs to be able to detect and repel attacks to the system. It also will need to be constantly searching for new ways to improve itself and its communication with the users and other systems. John Thackara, director of Door of Perception, conveyed his concern that pervasive computing is infiltrating out society in such a way that we are becoming machine dependant. The problem with the pervasive computing and the Autonomic System is that it removes the responsibility from our lives. It is like the frog in boiling water story. If a frog is directly placed into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out as fast as it was put in. If, however, the frog is placed in a pot of cold water that is heated up, the frog – unaware of the slow yet constant increase in temperature, will be cooked before it is aware of any danger. This scenario can be paralleled in our society. If a person 25 years old from the 19th century were placed in today’s society, that person would jump out in terror and

Friday, December 13, 2019

P1 web architecture and components ver2 Free Essays

Web architecture: Web architecture is a way of designing and planning of websites that include different areas like WWW, ISP etc. Such web architectures are discussed below. Internet Service provider: Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the organizations which provide internet services to the people and other organizations. We will write a custom essay sample on P1 web architecture and components ver2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now ISP provides different software packages which includes surname, password, and access to the phones and sometimes to the TV channels. For this service their customer pays certain amount to their package. There are different organizations which provide internet service and have different features like different speed of connection to the internet. The speed of the internet connection affects the performance of the websites such as the download speed of a video clip. Web Hosting Service: Web hosting service is an internet hosting service which allows the individual and larger organizations to host their website. The website can be accessed and viewed using World Wide Web. The client pays a certain amount of money monthly to their web hosting service and these hosts provide storage capacity and different management facilities and technical support and service. These host company charges the organization or the individual by looking the static of how many users use the website per month and other various features on the web. Domain Structure: Domain name is the address of the website in the World Wide Web called IP address. This can be accessed through the internet. Such addresses are difficult to remember and might not have meaning with regards to the web page. So the owner of the website has to purchase a domain name to link to the IP address so that their website can be accessed to the internet. The domain names are kept easier so that the user can understand and remember it. A easier example of a domain name is www. Google. Com† which also owns other domain name â€Å"www. Google. Co. UK†. â€Å"WWW is the prefix and â€Å". Com† is the suffix whereas the character between them is the domain name. Domain Name Registrars: Domain Name registrars are the organizations that have authority to the domain names. They provide the domain name and manage the reservation of the internet domain names. The domain name registrars on the I-J are Goddard. Com and 123-erg. Co. UK. When they offer the domain name to the weapon owner, they also claim some amount of money. The registrars have a package of certain amount of certain amount of time. Thus, the longer the mount of the time, the higher the amount of money the weapon owner has to pay to their registrars. World Wide Web: World Wide Web (WWW) is a way of accessing the information stored on the internet. It uses different types of computer languages like http to transmit information. WWW contains text, images, videos, audio and many other multimedia which can be viewed by using browser. Hardware: We can use different types of hardware which help provide internet service. Such hardware includes web server, mail server, proxy server, routers etc. Web Server: Web servers stores web pages and delivers those web pages to the user by using be language http to the web browser. Web server can both be hardware and software. Any individual can turn their computer to the web server by installing the server software. Each server has limited capacity so the website which is hugely us all over the world has multiple web servers. Mail Server: Mail server is a computer server which consists of storage area where email for local users is stored. This server sends and receives emails. This type of server only controls the email traffic on the internet. Proxy Server: Proxy server is a server which shares the internet connection and other services. It is like a web browser which is in between the user and the web server. It can sometimes improve the performance for the users and filters the requests by the user. It is mostly used on the business organizations and colleges. It is to prevent the students and the staffs’ access from specific web sites during the official hour. Router: A router is a device that is connected to two or more networks. Router forwards the data packets along to the different networks. Once the packet is sent from the computer to the router it forwards to the different router till the packet is received by the final device. Router maintains the movement of the packet in the internet while transferring the packet between the user and the server. Software: There are various types of software which links the computer to the internet and other networks. Browser is one of them which locates and displays the content on the World Wide Web. There are various kinds of browser such as Google chrome, Safari, Firebox, Internet Explorer used to surf the internet and web pages. These are the famous and leading browser in the world. Some browsers are preinstall on the new computers while the other browsers can be downloaded from the internet on ere of cost. Email is the other software which is used to receive and send the emails from the email server. The user has their own activated account through which they can send various messages like text, video and pictures. Protocols: Transport and addressing egg TCP/IP Application layer HTTP, HTTPS, ESMTP Web Functionality Web 2. 0: Web 2. 0 is the second generation of the www. It is focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online. It keeps static web pages that don’t change. It has richer content/broadband. Went 2. 0 refers to the transition from tactic HTML web pages to more dynamic web that is more organized and is based on serving web application to the users. Dynamic website contains web pages that are generated dynamically. Each time the user access to the web page, the HTML is generated in real time and is sent to the user’s browser. For example: Amazon is a dynamic website. When the user gets access to it, the page displays the types of products which might make interest the user by analyzing the users’ purchase history. The site generates the weapon differently to the different users. Blobs: Blob is a personal web page on which the user records and posts their thoughts and pinions, their research and hypothesis principal etc. N a regular basis. The other users can reply to their comments. The blobs are used to share information on the internet. Nowadays the user can use more features and function as compared to the start days of the blob. The blobs are kept up to date so that the information shared is accurate and reliable. Online Application: Online application has changed in recent years. Microsoft office used for home and office purpose now is being used as an online version of word office 365. People can access to the online version and use the word. It is cheaper than to buy the whole software package and easy to access via internet. When there is no internet connection the online version cannot be used. Additionally, online versions don’t have many features than the Microsoft Home office. Other examples include games hosting online accessing via internet (online games) and emails. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is an internet based computing in which different service like servers and storage and application are transferred to an organizations’ computer system via internet. It has an ability to run an application on many connected at the same time. How to cite P1 web architecture and components ver2, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Native Son Analysis Essay Example For Students

Native Son Analysis Essay In Native Son, by Richard Wright, the main character is 20 year old Bigger Thomas. Growing up poor, uneducated, and angry at the whole world, it is almost obvious that Bigger is going to have a rough life. Anger, frustration, and violence are habits for him. He is an experienced criminal, and unable to handle with his wild mood swings, Bigger often explodes in fits of crazy, aggressive outrage. Bigger has grown up with the opinion that he simply has no control over his life. In his mind, he cant ever be anything more than an unskilled, low-wage laborer. He is forced to take a job as a chauffeur for the Daltons to avoid having to watch his own family starve. Strangely, Mr. Dalton is Biggers landlord; he owns most of the company that manages the apartment building where Biggers family lives. Mr. Dalton and other wealthy real estate men are robbing the poor, black tenants on the South Side. What they do is refuse to rent apartments in other neighborhoods to black tenants. By doing this, they create an fake housing shortage on the South Side, and that causes high rents. Mr. Dalton likes to think of himself as a generous man just because he gives money to black schools and offers jobs to poor, timid black boys like Bigger. However, his generosity is only a way for him to get rid of the guilty conscience he has for cheating the poor black residents of Chicago. Mary Dalton, the daughter of Biggers Mr. Dalton, angers Bigger when she ignores the rules of society when it comes to relationships between white women and black men. On his first day on the job, Bigger drives Mary out to meet her boyfriend, Jan. One thing leads to another, and all three of them get drunk. Mary is too drunk to make it to her bedroom on her own, so Bigger helps her up the stairs. Just as he places Mary on her bed, Marys blind mother, Mrs. Dalton, enters the bedroom. Bigger is scared that Mary will give away that he is in the room, so he covers her face with a pillow and accidentally smothers her to death. Unaware that Mary is dead, Mrs. Dalton prays and then leaves the room. Bigger tries to cover his crime by burning Marys body in the Daltons furnace. Then attempts to frame Jan for Marys disappearance. A comment by Biggers girlfriend, Bessie, gives him the idea to try to collect ransom money from the Daltons. He writes a ransom letter and signs it Red, then talks Bessie into taking part in the whole plan. But, when Marys bones are found in the furnace, Bigger and Bessie run away to an empty building. Bigger is scared that he is going to get caught because of Bessie, so he rapes her and then he beats her to death with a brick. Everyone is after Bigger to try to catch him and bring him to jail. He escapes the huge manhunt as long as he can, but he is eventually captured after a huge shoot-out. The press and the public decide his guilt and his punishment before his trial even begins. All the people just assume that Bigger raped Mary before killing her and burned her body to hide the evidence. The white authorities and mob use Bigger as an excuse to terrorize the entire South Side neighborhood. Jan is heartbroken over Marys death, but he finally understands that he is partly guilty too. He realizes that he was wrong to expect Bigger to act differently to him than to any other white man. Jan also realizes that he violated all of the rules that apply to race relations. And the fact that he did that, angered and shamed Bigger. Jan gets his friend, Boris A. Max, to defend Bigger for free. He tries to save Bigger from the death penalty by arguing that what Bigger did was an affect of the environment he was in. Max warns the public that there will be more men like Bigger if America does not put an end to the huge cycle of hate and punishment. But, even after the trial, Bigger is sentenced to death. .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .postImageUrl , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:visited , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:active { border:0!important; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:active , .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22 .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0f815a8d48d1b39c895446dcfaa76c22:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: SWOT analysis of Adith Health Services EssayBook Reports

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Most Effective Ways To Overcome Essays Problem faced by students

Wiring essay is not an easy task. It requires lots of analysis, knowledge and understanding. To write an effective essay you must have proper grip and skills on writing. Many students find difficulty in writing an essay because they do not know the basics of essay writing. Sometimes they are not willing and have no passion to write. Most of the times they know what to writer but they do not understand how to start it. They do not have ability to pen their ideas down. Also they focus on external rewards only so that they believe on cramming rather improving their skills. To overcome the problems while writing an essay you need to take following measurements. Brainstorming: Mostly students just sit and start writing straight forwardly. They do not use to do brainstorming which is not advisable.Before starting your essay you need to collect all the ideas coming to your mind and collected from other sources. Essay writing services provide proper guidance on essay writings. These writings can be very helpful to increase your knowledge and understanding of essay.When you collect all your ideas and materials trash the unnecessary material from it to make your essay well-knit. Learn to make out line thesis statement: Mostly students start their essay easily but they do not know how to give a proper end to it. To overcome this issue you must make a thesis question for your essay. This will help you start your essay with appropriate reasoning. To remain stick to your topic you need to make a proper outline. provide compatible and highly skilled writers who can help you for making thesis statement and outline. This will make easy to write a coherent and logical essay. The outline of your essay should include; Thesis statementTitle and topicEssay structure ( introduction, main body, conclusion)Evidential support Learn steps for high quality essays: To write an effective and high quality essay you should have knowledge of basic principles and steps for writing an essay. Best Essay writing services U.S.A. provides detailed and updated material on essay writing. You can use that material to make your essay extra-ordinary. Following are the essential steps to write an essay with ease; PreparingGatheringStructuringWritingRe-checking Make it sound impressive logical: Most of the students face problem while writing an essay because they do not have proper understanding of the topic. They use unnecessary details which make their essay length and irrelevant provide professional consultant who can enhance your creative and analytical skills which would help you to write an intellectual essays. Following are the essentials for writing an impressive essay: CoherencePrecisionLogical orderPurposeful writingFlow of ideasConnection between paragraphGeneral introduction to specific conclusion Take help from different sources: The reason students face problem in writing essay that they do not know how to deliver idea and collect the information. To enhance your knowledge and vocabulary you need to take help from different sources. Professional essay writing services provide lots of authentic material on essay writing which can be very useful to have grip on essay improve your intellect for writing you can take help from; Web contentBooksFellow friend or classmateTeachersJournals and news papers Create diversity in your writing: If you are facing problem with essay writing you need to do lots of practice. You should make a habit of writing an essay on regular basis. provide highly skilled writers who provide essay on different topic. you can use those essays to enhance your writing skills and vocabulary. There should be diversity of ideas and pattern in your essay. You should learn to write on almost all kind of essays i.e. ArgumentativeAnalyticNarrative\persuasiveExpositoryDescriptive Proper structuring of essay: To make the reader to understand your idea you need to express your ideas with no confusion. There should be appropriate use of grammar and sentence making. Your essay must be error free and provide a logical presentation of ideas. All the provided material should be meaningful and authentic. You must be familiar with the proper structure of essay which include; Introduction ( consists of thesis statement. Central idea. General information)Main body ( supportive arguments, details about the topic)Conclusion (specific, sum up the topic) Use literary terms and citation: Sometimes students get succeeded to deliver their idea to the reader but they do not score well. The reason is they use to write lengthy paragraphs and complex wording. provide expert writers who can provide you a detailed list of literary devices. You can use these literary terms as a tool for best essay writing. You should try to keep your essay comprehensive and interesting. For this purpose you can use; Literary termsTransitionShort statementsCitationsQuotations Understand the purpose of writing essay: To write an essay with ease you should understand the purpose of writing essay. You need to provide logical arguments to make your essay meaningful. Use supportive and constructive ideas to make your essay extra-ordinary.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual Women

The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual Women Transgender and transsexual are commonly confused terms that both refer to gender identity. Transgender is a broader, more inclusive category that includes all individuals who do not identify with the gender that corresponds to the sex they were assigned at birth. Transsexual is a more narrow category that includes individuals who desire to physically transition to the sex that corresponds with the gender with which they identify. (Note that the word gender is usually used to refer to social and cultural roles, while sex refers to physical attributes.) All transsexual persons are transgender. However, not all transgender persons are transsexual. Transgender women are sometimes referred to as trans women. Some may also be known as male-to-female transsexuals, MTFs, transsexual women, transgirls, or tgirls.  The term transsexual  originated as a medical term  and is  sometimes considered pejorative. It is always best to ask a person which term is preferred. Transgender vs. Transsexual   Although they both refer to gender identity, transgender and transsexual are terms with distinct meanings. That they are often used interchangeably has led to some confusion. In most cases, a transgender woman is a woman who was designated (also commonly referred to as assigned) male at birth but who identifies as a woman. Some transgender women may use the term AMAB (assigned male at birth) in describing their identity. She may take steps to transition, but these steps do not necessarily involve surgery or physical alterations. She may dress as a woman, refer to herself as a woman, or use a feminine name. (Note that some trans men may use the term AFAB, or assigned female at birth.) Not all transgender persons, however, identify with the man/woman, masculine/feminine binary. Some identify as gender nonconforming, nonbinary, genderqueer, androgynous, or third gender. For this reason, it is important never to assume that a transgender person identifies with a particular gender nor to assume what pronouns a person uses. Transitioning A transsexual woman is one who desires to physically transition to the sex that corresponds with the gender with which she identifies. Transitioning often includes taking hormones to suppress the physical characteristics of her assigned gender. Many transsexual women in the U.S. take hormone supplements, which can promote breast growth, change vocal pitch, and contribute in other ways to a more traditionally feminine appearance.  A transsexual might  even undergo gender reassignment surgery (also referred to as gender confirmation surgery or gender affirming surgery), where the anatomical features of the gender and sex assigned at birth are physically altered or removed. Strictly speaking, theres no such thing as a sex change operation. A woman can elect to have cosmetic surgeries done to alter her physical appearance to match conventional norms associated with the gender with which she identifies, but anyone can have these procedures done, regardless of their gender identity. These surgeries are not limited to transsexual people. Gender Identity vs. Sexual Orientation Gender identity is often confused with sexual orientation. The latter, however, refers only to a persons enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people and is not related to gender identity. A transgender woman, for example, may be attracted to women, men, both, or neither and this orientation has no bearing on her gender identity. She may identify as gay or lesbian, straight, bisexual, asexual, or may not name her orientation at all. Transgender vs. Transvestite Transgender women are  often incorrectly identified as transvestites. A transvestite, however, is an individual who wears clothing primarily associated with  the gender with whom he or she does not identify. A man may prefer to dress as a woman, but this does not make him transgender if he does not identify as a woman.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Online Advertisement Market Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

The Online Advertisement Market - Research Paper Example In 1996, Procter and Gamble executed a deal with Yahoo! in which the basis of revenue calculation was number of clicks on the advertisement instead of number of views which was the norm of the day (Google and Yahoo news, 1996). This basis of compensation was quickly picked up by the media contemporaries since it provided a more focussed approach similar to the ones employed for direct response of the prospect through mail and telephone solicitations. It came to be known as CPC or Cost per Click method of online advertisement compensation. Inspite of its rapid popularity, CPM still remains the basis of many advertisements placements, particularly in the display ads segment. Online advertising revenue has steadily increased its share in the advertising industry both in absolute and percentage terms. For example, in US alone, the online advertising industry has grown from 3.2% in 2000 to 8.8% of total advertising, and from 8.1 billion in 2000 to 21.7 billion in 2007 (data derived from I nteractive Advertising Bureau Press Releases 2000-2007). From connecting computers in government offices, internet has come a long way since 1994 when it was opened for public for the first time. Internet users figure has jumped from 0.4 % of the world population in 1995 to 29.9% in 2010 (IWS, 2011). According to Coffman and Odlyzko, internet traffic almost doubled every four months in 1995- 96. The growth after that has been doubling on a yearly basis since then till 2001 (Coffman & M.Odlyzko, 2001). Main reasons for such drastic growth of internet are the ease of access and usability of internet, huge inventory of data and excellent connectivity instantly. Internet growth is a phenomenon which has not only changed the way individuals work but has also deeply impacted the culture and commerce of countries. The advent of social networking and entertainment in internet arena has further increased the scope of internet users. Before comparing print and online advertisement, it is impe rative to focus on the relationship between content and advertisements published through the two mediums. In print media, the ad is essentially locked with the content i.e. the ad is visible only for that particular day’s content. However, in internet medium, even if the content changes, the ad would still be there. This means that the chances of showcasing an old ad in print media exist only in retrieval of archives. However, the ads in internet are always current, unless it’s the reproduction of archived prints. The relationship or the non-existence of relationship between content and ads has encouraged several journals to open their archives for free which results in increased traffic to the website, thereby increasing its ad revenues (Kohler, 2006). This has changed the way print media looks at ads on its digital editions. Major differences that exist between print media advertising and online advertising are in terms of geographic reach, demographic targeting and ongoing revenues. While the ads in print media have limited geographic reach, online advertising is virtually everywhere. Also, print media ads have limited capacity to customize themselves based on geographic targets than online media. For example, it is nearly impossible for a newspaper to serve a different edition for every city of the world while it is very much possible to serve online ads based on the user’s location. Also, online ads can be updated irrespective of the content, as they

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Impact of Nursing Shortage on the Healthcare Industry Research Paper

The Impact of Nursing Shortage on the Healthcare Industry - Research Paper Example Population Aging and Increase Demand of Nurse’s 13 2. Variety of Career Options 13 3. Healthcare Cost Demands 13 4. Financial Assistance 14 5. Work Environment and Workload 14 Research Question 14 Chapter 2: Literature Review 14 Introduction 14 Nursing Staff Shortage and the Hospital Management 15 The Financial Crises and Nurse Shortages 15 Nursing Shortage Solution 16 Future Recommendation 17 Conclusion 18 Chapter 3: Methodology 19 Introduction 19 Evaluation Methods and Tools 19 Reliability and Validity 20 Maintenance of Data Integrity 20 Research Design 22 Research Methods 23 Participants in the Research 24 Obtaining of Permission 25 Chapter 4: Data analysis 26 Introduction 26 Results 27 List of Tables Table 1: Results List of figures Figure 1: Nurses rating based on customer satisfaction Figure 2: National Supply and Demand projections for FTE RNs, 2000 to 2015 Chapter 1: Introduction to the Problem Introduction The shortage of acute care nurses had been one of the primary concerns in the healthcare industry across the world. The issue created a substantial impact on the fitness activities efficiency in hospitals and healthcare centers. Several studies have shown that the nursing graduates entering in the nursing profession and those who are still in the occupation were not enough to facilitate the hospitals and patients. The healthcare professional shortage was one of the chief impediments in the achievement of United Nation’s Millennium Development goals to remove poverty, hunger, improvement of education systems, reduction in morbidity, and mortality as written in the guidelines of the year 2004 that are provided by the international nursing council (Littlejohn, Campbell & Collins-McNeil, 2012). The problem of shortage of acute care nurses had a relation to the past historical staffing, appointment, resources, nursing demand estimation, and nursing concerns for healthcare services of a country. The issue of shortage of nurses was not easily measureable and demands extraordinary planning and requirements. The relative shortages involved the accessibility of qualified and skilled professionals for the vacancy; however, they did not meet other criteria for employment (Dinsdale, 2004). The absolute shortage represents a situation that lacked availability of skilled people for a particular vacancy. The shortages may include the impact of fair consideration, geographical position, retention, and recruitment challenges meeting the replacement demands. The challenges to resolve nurse related issues included coordinated policies and package development to provide long term and sustained solutions (Buchan & Aiken, 2008). The nursing requirement could be fulfilled through the promotion of education as well as by the availability of facilities for the professional nurses to deliver sufficient care to patients. It could further assist in improving the community health and to attract more clients to the healthcare industries. Accord ing to the â€Å"Health Resources and Services Administration† HRSA report (2006) it was expected that the shortage of nurses would elevate up to one million till the year 2020. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critically discuss recent judicial decisions regarding the attitude of Essay

Critically discuss recent judicial decisions regarding the attitude of the courts to the settlement of disputes by ADR. Under w - Essay Example While this is the case, the alternative means of settling disputes can be classified into the most commonly used techniques and these tend to be highly reflective of the role of the independent third party. The said third party, in contrast to a judge in a court case, is often involved in the settling of disputes so that they can provide direction to the parties involved so that they are able to find suitable and satisfactory solutions to their disputes. When using alternative means of dispute resolution, the parties involved have much superior control over what they would like to gain from the resolution of the dispute and this control tends to depend on the procedure used in the arbitration. The settlement of disputes through the mediation that takes place between parties is has been found to be the best way to deal with many issues and it is only when intercessions do not work that some other means of reaching a settlement can be considered. It has been found that negotiations are often the best starting point for any form of dispute resolution and while the use of alternative dispute resolution is among the most reasonable means of settling court disputes, it can be said that it is not a requirement for the parties involved to be forced onto the negotiation table.1 An example of this is The Halsey Case of 2004 where a claim was brought by one Lillian Halsey, after her spouse died at Milton Keynes General Hospital as a result of an accident where as he was being fed through a nasal drip, the liquid food accidentally entered his lungs, causing his instant death. The disagreement that arose in this case was based on whether or not the inattention of the caregivers at the hospital was what caused the death of Bert Halsey, and when a post-mortem was conducted, its results were not conclusive since there was a disagreement between the practitioners who conducted the post-mortem over what caused the patient’s death. The lawyers representing Mrs Halsey wante d bereavement damages for their client, and wished to resolve the matter through mediation but this request was refused, since the accused party did not accept any liability, and therefore mediation would be out of place. In mediation, the parties select an independent third party, who will assist the parties to reach an acceptable solution and it is a requirement that the mediator should be an imaginative problem solver and be very much involved in the process of reaching a solution. The mediator will discuss the problem with the parties both together and separately in sessions that are known as `caucuses' and since these discussions are held in private, they should be frank and open, and the mediator will work towards persuading the parties to focus on their underlying interests and priorities.2 The role of the mediator should not be to be there to make judgments but to guide the parties to an acceptable solution and this requires that the mediator take on the role of an honest br oker not that of a judge.3 There are times, however, when mediations may end up failing and the mediator, as a neutral party in the negotiations, may be called upon be the court to give evidence. The Farm Assist case of 2009 is a case in point of such a situation since the court involved denied the application by the arbitrator to reject a summons that required her to provide verification concerning the attempt at conciliation that she had undertaken between the aggrieved parties. The court made the declaration that discretion in all matters of

Friday, November 15, 2019

Historical cost accounting Advantages and disadvantages

Historical cost accounting Advantages and disadvantages Financial policy and accounting Financial policy is to determines hoe a business is to be financed, whether by equity or preference share capital, and extent to which reliance is to be placed upon long term or short term borrowing. In addition the credit and discount policies followed to be determined policies companies have a duty to publish account Historical costing Historical cost is the original monetary value of an economic item. Historical is based on the stable measuring units assumption Historical cost accounting is the situation in which accountants record revenue, expenditure and asset acquisition and disposal at historical cost: that is, the actual amounts of money, or moneys worth, received or paid to complete the transaction. Historical cost accounting is also called because it concern itself with the recording of actual cost on after the date when these are in cured. There are two basic costing system 1 is job costing and 2 is process costing. Actual cost is the part of most modern standard costing system but they are limited value. A basis for the treatment of assets in financial statements where they are recorded at their historical cost, without adjustment for inflation or other price variations What is historical cost accounting? Historical cost is a term used instead of the cost. Cost and historical cost usually mean the original cost at the time of a transaction. Historical cost is helps to distinguish an assets original cost from its replacement cost, current cost, or inflation-adjusted cost. Example, Land purchased in 1992 at cost of $80,000 and still owned by the buyer will be reported on the buyers balance sheet at its cost or historical cost of $80,000 even though its current cost,  replacement cost, and inflation-adjusted cost is much higher today. The cost principle or historical cost principle states that an asset should be reported at its cost (cash or cash equivalent amount) at the time of the exchange transaction and should include all costs necessary to get the asset in place and ready for use. Historical cost principle in accounting Historical cost principle means that assets and liabilities are recorded at their actual historical cost. When an asset is written off, the loss is recorded as the historical cost of the asset less any accumulated depreciation. Typically, the asset would be fully depreciated and thus no loss recorded but this isnt always the case. If the asset is sold the gain or loss is recorded as the amount received for the asset less the historical cost (net of any accumulated depreciation). In both cases, youre using the historical cost as your basis in the asset, but in the write off, you didnt receive anything in return for the asset. To record a sale, you must account for the payment you receive and that amount is of course, the current value of the asset at least its value to someone (the purchaser). Advantages and disadvantages of historical cost accounting Advantages Historical cost accounts are straightforward to produce Historical cost accounts do not record gains until they are realized Historical cost accounts are still used in most accounting systems Disadvantages Historical cost accounts give no indication of current values of the assets of a business Historical cost accounts do not record the opportunity costs of the use of older assets, particularly property which may be recorded at a value based on costs incurred many years ago Historical cost accounts do not measure the loss of value of monetary assets as a result of inflation. Standard costing Standard costing is an important topic of cost accounting. Standard costs are generally connected with a manufacturing companys costs of direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. Rather than conveying the actual costs of direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead to a product, several manufacturers allocate the expected or standard cost. This means that a manufacturers inventory and cost of goods sold will begin amounts reflecting the standard costs, not the actual costs, of a product. Manufacturers, at rest to pay the actual costs. As a result there are almost always differences between the actual costs and the standard costs, and those differences are known as variances. Standard costing and the related variances is a valuable management tool. If a variance arise, management becomes aware that manufacturing costs have different form the standard (planned, probable) costs. If actual costs are greater than standard costs the variance is unfavorable. An unfavorable variance tells management that if everything else stays constant the companys actual profit will be less than planned. If actual costs are less than standard costs the variance is favorable. A favorable variance tells management that if everything else stays constant the actual profit will likely exceed the planned profit. The earlier that the accounting system reports a variance, the earlier that management can direct its notice to the difference from the planned amounts. If we assume that a company uses the perpetual inventory system and that it carry all of its inventory accounts at standard cost (including Direct Materials Inventory or Stores), then the standard cost of a finished product is the sum of the standard costs of the inputs:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. Direct material   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. Direct labor   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. Manufacturing overhead   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  a. Variable manufacturing overhead   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  b. Fixed manufacturing overhead Standard costs are those cost which are established through identify an objective connection between specific inputs and estimated outputs. Standard costs are usually related to warily analyze phenomenon both in the laborator and in the work place. Marginal costing Marginal cost is the variable cost of one unit product or service. Marginal cost is alternative method of costing to absorption costing. Marginal cost is variable cost charged as a cost of sale and a contribution cost is calculate (sale revenue minus variable cost of sale). Closing stock of work in progress or finished goods are value at the marginal (variable) production cost. Fixed cost is treating as a period cost and charged into the profit and loss account incurred the period of accounting Marginal production cost per unit of an item usually consists of the following. Direct material Direct labour production overheads Direct labour cost might be excluded from marginal costs when the work force is given number of employees on a fixed wages of salary. Even so it is not uncommon for direct labour to be treated as variable cost. When employee are paid a basic wage for a fixed working period. If in doubt you should tread direct labour as a variable cost unless given clear indicator to the country. Direct labour is a often steep cost. With sufficiently short step to be make a labour cost in a variable. The marginal cost of asset usully consist of the marginal cost of production adjusted for stick movement plus the variable selling cost The most important feature of marginal costing is the division of cost into those which are marginal (variable) those which are fixed. The latter are not apportioned to cost centers or products as under and other costing system. Instead they are charged against sale revenues within the period in which are incurred. this deviation of the cost are there application in a appropriate manner is extremely use full in showing management the effect decision, particularly those connected with short term utilization of production capacity. Principles of marginal costing: The marginal principal costing are as Period fixed cost are same any volume of sales and production (provided the level of activity within the relevant range) . selling by an extra item product or service following are as Revenue will be increase by the sale volume of sold item Cost will be increase by the per unit cost Profit will be increase by the contribution amount earned from the extra item The volume of sales falls by one item. Profit will be fall by amount of earned contribution item Profit is measurement should be based on analysis of total contribution. When a unit product is made the extra cost incurred for the manufacture variable Production cost. fixed costs are unaffected, no extra fixed cost are incurred when output is increased. The valuation of closing stock should be at variable production cost Decision accounting The comparison of an alternative courses of action may be facilitated the use of cost data. Latter may be collected by part of a routine or deal with the special problems when it arise strictly speaking, this is not a separate system. It calls upon another information system which indicates the management project likely maximum profit minimum loss. decision on capital expenditure whether to make or buy., what price should be charged as to subcontract and other important matter may all be assisted by the employment of accounting information. A few words on the role of decision making are very appropriate stage. One of the most important function of top management is to make decision. Irrespective of the method of employed decision making implies a choice from a number of alternative. Ther are two basic selection methods First the selection of the particular field in which the final decisions to be made, production is increased, the labour force may large new machine may be introduced: if sale are to be expanded the initial choice between employing more sales men identifying the advertisement to other sale publicity. Once a initial selection has been made, second choice must be follow, if machine is to be purchased Control accounting The comparison of an alternative courses of action may be facilitated the use of cost data. Latter may be collected by part of a routine or deal with the special problems when it arise strictly speaking, this is not a separate system. It calls upon another information system which indicates the management project likely maximum profit minimum loss. decision on capital expenditure whether to make or buy., what price should be charged as to subcontract and other important matter may all be assisted by the employment of accounting information. A few words on the role of decision making are very appropriate stage. One of the most important function of top management is to make decision. Irrespective of the method of employed decision making implies a choice from a number of alternative. Their are two basic selection methods First the selection of the particular field in which the final decisions to be made, production is increased, the labour force may larger new machine may be introduced: if sale are to be expanded the initial choice between employing more sales men identifying the advertisement to other sale publicity. Once a initial selection has been made, second choice must be follow, if machine is to be purchased

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay on the Gods in Euripides Medea :: Euripides Medea Essays

Antigone Medea has just killed four people which are Creon the king of Corinth, the princess whom Jason is in love with, and her two little children. Jason then prays to gods, especially Zeus, father of all gods, to punish Medea for her crimes. From the context of the quote, the chorus is addressing the audience about the unexpected and unbelievable end of the play. Medea then gets away to Athens with a chariot lent to her by Helios, the sun god and her grandfather. Euripides always uses this kind of conclusion to end most of his works. Euripides suggests that the general theme of the quote is gods are not like what we think they are supposed to be. In other words, we can not expect much from the gods. Instead, we have to handle our matters on our own. The phrase, "Many are the Fates which Zeus in Olympus dispenses," tells us that gods do not favor mortal people. Even if gods do help mortals, that's only because those mortals have some kind of relationship with the gods. So, Euripides tells this story not in favor of the gods. The general thems is gods are not as good as they are supposed to be. Medea has been exiled for three times: from her home country near the Black Sea, from Jason's homeland Iolchos, and now from the city of Corinth. We would naturally think that a woman like Medea, being exiled for many times, is the most vulnerable and most powerless woman. She has got no friend and no citizenship. At the time of Euripides, being an exile is not an interesting position that a person wants to be in. It is like a suicide. Most people at that time in Greece view strangers as barbarians with no intelligence at all. In addition, Medea is going to be an exile with two children. She is supposed to be in lots of trouble. On the other hand, Jason has won the princess of Corinth's love. He is going to be Creon's son-in-law. Jason abandon's Medea after all she has done for him. Jason doesn't fear Medea at all because he has support from Creon, king of Corinth. Jason is supposed to be more powerful than Medea. Jason is the son-in-law of the king and Medea is an exile. But, as Eur ipides suggests, what the audience expects doesn't come true at all.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Examination of A Performance I Was In

This term we have been working on a devised performance dealing with the theme of consequences and looking at lots the themes and issues. We have chosen the title to be ‘Consequences'. We came up with this title after the whole group had decided on what the theme would be, then once we new what the theme would be, we thought of ideas of what the title could be, and we chose ‘Consequences'. Overall the play ‘Consequences' took 4-5 weeks to put together and perform. I thought it was a worthwhile experience because this is the first time I had worked in this group as a whole class. The performance we done, took place in the main school hall because we needed the space for our traverse stage to be held in. We had the stage setting, with the audience split in half, and the performance space was in the middle so that we could be seen at all angles. To begin the topic our teacher put us into groups and then we had to think of ideas of what our play could be about. We all wrote down ideas, then read them out, and then we decided as a group to choose the best idea. The age group we wanted to aim it at is our own year 10. We chose this age group because they can relate to the issues that are being performed. They would understand about our play because they are the age we are aiming at, and could relate to what the play was. After we decided on the theme of the play we then improvised of how to get ideas and put them together, then we discussed how to script it and the structure of the play. In one drama lesson we started working on the first family scene where we were at the table scene were me and my group had to work on the family which was based on poverty. We rehearsed this so many times because we had to make this a sad family as they don't have that much money, but is was a good scene because we could make it funny as well. I played the character of a gay man, with my partner we adopted kids and we had hardly any money. My partner and I were always arguing, while the kids were around. But with my character I felt that I had to play him as a serious but emotional man, with a hard life, so to do this I had to change his tone of voice, and my body language and gesture. One moment in the scene we did was when we were sitting at the dinner table and my partner was setting there with me, and the whole family was in a bad mood, so then me and my partner started to fight, so then the kids started to fight as well, and I had to stop them. Then we all stopped and sat and at e our breakfast. While we were eating I started to tell a story about how I saw two girls stealing from the chemist. I was telling them that I hoped for them to never to do the same. But later in the play they do. We did this because we wanted to set up the next scene for us to show that are kids are so poor they are pulled into stealing. I personally feel that this scene was quite successful because we all stayed concentrated in the important time in the scene. I thought we improved the scene by keeping loud so all the audience could hear us. This made the scene more effective because it keeps up the atmosphere, and the tension of all the acting parts. One scene that was non-naturalistic was the opening scene to the play. In the opening scene we used the drama technique slow motion to a piece of music. We also used frozen images to the piece of music. The music we used was a soundtrack by ‘DMX' called ‘Slipping' the song represented everyone's downfall in the play. It complemented the action that was taking place. The stylised movement we also used was sound collage, we used the sound collage to build a atmosphere for the opening scene, by doing this we showed the audience what the play was about by revealing all the issues and gave an insight into the situation the character was in. We also used a technique called duologue so that the angel and the devil characters commented on the action. W began devising this scene by us all trying to think of strong images that could show how our family's lifestyle and the difficulties they had. The moment that was the hardest to rehearse was when we were doing the links in between each family. I thought that the audience who were watching would react to this scene by thinking that they are going to see all different consequences that happen to people when they do things. I feel that this scene did work to its full potential because when the music played, it built an atmosphere on which the audience can see, and as all the frozen images from all the families, I thought were very powerful. I feel that it worked and conveyed the desired message of community what the play was about. Overall I feel the best moment in the play was the end, because after the audience had seen all the consequences that each family had done. The ending of our play was were each main character said a few lines about what happened after all of what had been done. Some said about they wish they had never done so many things, or looked after their children better, or wished they had never put a pill in the girls drink, they were all guilty of their consequences. Each individual was to blame for his or her own downfall. As we performed this scene to the audience the characters that were being played made mistakes, but as they said their lines they knew they had done something wrong and they cant change that now, and live with it. I feel that the message we were trying to convey to the audience was ‘to think about the consequences of your action'. One moment that stood out the most and I feel conveyed the message was the end, when the audience saw the characters were saying all the things that they could of done but didn't. I feel that the message was getting across to the audience wasn't as successful because all of the audience could have been confused. I feel that it could of have been more successful if we chose an outside audience, not friends. On the scenes that we could have been improved was the scene on were we linked up to our other groups together. I felt that it would have been better if we also had more time on to set the play, and if the cast was there every day, so then we could rehearse and get every thing perfect. I feel that the work that I have been doing in my lessons this term has been quite successful because it has brought the group closer to work with each other, and it is good experience for the future. I feel that the whole experience of devising the play has been very enjoyable. I feel that it was enjoyable because this is what I like in drama GCSE. I feel as a performer I gained experience in a way that it makes me feel easier now to act in front of my friends, and now I am fully concentrated and confident in performing in front of an audience. I have learnt that for my performance next year I will be able to cope with the tension and hard work. Overall it has been a productive piece of work on what we done this term, which has been enjoyable.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fields of destruction essays

Fields of destruction essays On March 24th, 1999, the NATO alliance, led by the United States, began bombing Yugoslavia. They bombed every day, with steadily increasing numbers of planes and escalating destructive power of bombs. The bombing was finally halted after 78 days, with an agreement for withdrawal of Yugoslav troops from Kosovo, to be replaced by a mixed force of NATO and The bombing of Yugoslavia was, overwhelmingly, of specifically civilian targets: homes, roads, farms, factories, hospitals, bridges, churches, monasteries, columns of refugees, TV stations, office buildings. The bombing was not intended to maximize civilian deaths, but neither was it intended to minimize them. The aim of the bombing was to destroy civilian installations on which people's lives and comfort depended, killing a few thousand random civilians for good measure, and thus weakening the will of the population to resist, so that they would submit to NATO occupation. Why did NATO bombed the small country like Yugoslavia? For this question there is a few different answers. First, NATO officials would say they did it to save thousands of lives from genocide committed by Milosevics/ Yugoslav army. However nobody ever mentioned the genocide that happened on the Serbian people. One of the biggest massacres on Serbian population happened in village called Klecka. Some of the news never got to the US people, because that was going against NATO objectives. US Envoy in Belgrade Christopher Hill said: I condemn the horrible massacres of serb civilians committed by Albanian terrorists.the united states are shocked by brutalities in village of Klecka. Whom ever did this must be punished. The united states do not support the armed battles of the KLA and condemn of any kind of aggression, as well as kidnapping of civilians.( ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Clinton scandal essays

Clinton scandal essays The evidence against President Clinton for sexual misconduct is very strong. There have been too many scandals that have surrounded his presidency. This forces the citizens of the United States to deny his plea of innocence. In the spring of 1995, Monica Lewinsky graduated from Lewis and Clark College. She then started an unpaid internship at the White House. Allegedly in November of that year, she became involved in a sexual relationship with President Clinton. Shortly after this point Lewinsky was hired as a full-time White House employee. She left the White House for a public affairs position at the Pentagon. Here she became friends with Linda Tripp, a former White House employee, who worked in the same office. During this time President Clinton apparently sent gifts to Lewinsky, most importantly in the case against him a dress, which she saved as a souvenir, had the President's DNA on it. With things heating up in the Paula Jones case, the President asked Lewinsky to lie about visits to his office. Turning her back on Lewinsky, Tripp taped telephone conversations between herself and Lewinsky about the affairs with Mr. Clinton to setup him up. Lewinsky, allegedly quoting Mr. Clinton, said, "Look them in the eye and deny it." After anonymous tips are given to a firm connected with the Paula Jones case, Lewinsky decided to leave the government and find a new job. On January 7, 1998, Monica Lewinsky signed a sworn affidavit in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, stating she did not have an affair with the President. Following this, Linda Tripp brought the recorded phone conversations to Independent Counsel for the Paula Jones case, Kenneth Starr. With assistance from the FBI, Tripp wore a wire while Lewinsky lead her step-by-step through her entire sexual relationship with Mr. Clinton. The following day, Lewinsky gives Tripp points on how to respond to Paula Jones' lawyer's questions. After receiving ne ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Social Movement Communities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social Movement Communities - Essay Example From the essay it is clear that discrimination based on sexual orientation highly targets the homosexual and bisexual individuals than heterosexuals. Because of the international and UK‘s existing laws to protect the disabled and homosexual individuals, discriminative members of the society may use indirect methods to fulfil their functions, which may put them at a particular disadvantage. According to the discussion findings BCODP has worked with different committees and locals DPOs to run and manage campaigns especially those concerning social service provisions. One of the most remarkably involvement of the organization in campaigns was for the initiation of the direct payment scheme back in the late 80s. According to the social security Act of 1948 that existed in the time, it only guaranteed the disabled people to receive local care and perhaps welfare benefits for the poor administered nationally, but made it illegal for local authorities to provide cash payments to them. While some counties in UK had implemented the scheme before, lack of clarity in the law led to it ban severally to early 90s. In order to change the law, BCODP independent living committee was formed whose purpose was to ensure disabled people had access to the independent living scheme that had begun across Europe. This committee had led the campaigns for direct payment and backed it up with prove research of its benefits and satisfaction to the disabled people than local services would achieve.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Maybelline new york Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Maybelline new york - Essay Example Originally, the mascara from Maybelline came in black color only because it was targeted at giving the eyelashes darker fuller look. Today, variety in terms of color has become an important and unique feature of the Maybelline Cake Mascara. The variety that exists with the colors actually forms what I like most about the company’s product. As far as fashion and quality dimensions are concerned, it can be said that there is so much justification and validity with the having different colors for the mascara. This is because as people adorn different types and colors of clothing, they have become aesthetically concerned with having matches for their clothing by way of how most other parts of their bodies appear, including their hair, eyebrows, and lately eye lashes. From every indication, Maybelline has taken fashion to the next level and this level is the dynamism with which conformation and harmony can be achieved through

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Realism in Modern Chinese Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Realism in Modern Chinese Literature - Essay Example It is apparent that Party as well as governmental intimidation donated significantly to the common exchange of this observation. It is, on the other hand, extraordinary how even oppositional writers plus literary scholars cultivated to manufacture a tale that was very comparable to the officer description within those succinct stages when it was probable to move forward a evaluation of the conventional literary reflection , modern Chinese literary theory has bend inside the key to be lifeless . By emphasizing the radicalism of their encouragement, those who anticipated this suggestion at once drew consideration to their mission and recognized a location from which they sensed they could unbolt the floodgates for the extensive emulation of a broad range of Western literary ideas. Chen Duxiu in 1917 wrote: "I do not mind being an enemy of all conservative scholars within the country .("On Literary Revolution," Sources of Chinese Tradition, ed. William Theodore DeBary, 2 vols., 1960, 2:162). From the Chinese perspective, then, the apprehension at the spirit of the proposal was that China was at the back of the world standard so manifestly positioned by the superior Western pressures. Several kinds of unexpected attempt were therefore necessary of all facades of Chinese culture plus society to grasp up to this customary standard. The Evolutionary consideration set up its fictional complement in the succession of literary provisos traditional romantic realism naturalism set out by Chen Duxiu as early on as 1915, a method that conquered the earlier l literary consideration within the early May Fourth years. Within this method, the Chinese literature was viewed as freezing wherever between classicism with impracticality, as...By emphasizing the radicalism of their encouragement, those who anticipated this suggestion at once drew consideration to their mission and recognized a location from which they sensed they could unbolt the floodgates for the extensive emulation of a broad range of Western literary ideas. Chen Duxiu in 1917 wrote: "I do not mind being an enemy of all conservative scholars within the country .("On Literary Revolution," Sources of Chinese Tradition, ed. William Theodore DeBary, 2 vols., 1960, 2:162). From the Chinese perspective, then, the apprehension at the spirit of the proposal was that China was at the back of the world standard so manifestly positioned by the superior Western pressures. Several kinds of unexpected attempt were, therefore, necessary of all facades of Chinese culture plus society to grasp up to this customary standard. The Evolutionary consideration set up its fictional complement in the succession of literary provisos traditional romantic realism naturalism set out by Chen Duxiu as early on as 1915, a method that conquered the earlier l literary consideration within the early May Fourth years. Within this method, the Chinese literature was viewed as freezing wherever between classicism with impracticality, as well as realism accordingly developed into the "reasonable" goal of the most influential segment of Chinese critical opinion from May Fourth even into the 1980s.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free

Arthur Miller Essay An important theme in Arthur Millers play All My Sons is the responsibility a man has for another man. Miller stressed that people must be held accountable for their actions to society and they will be held accountable by the inevitable justice found in the universe: karma. This theme is expressed through action as well as characters throughout the entire play; it is subtle at first but slowly becomes more prominent until Joe Keller finally realizes exactly how his actions affected people outside of his family. To begin, Kellers character is important to the theme because he represents the opposite of being responsible for his actions and being held accountable to society. Joe Keller seems like a simple kind of man. His greatest wishes are to obtain the American dream for his wife and to create a legacy to pass on to his son. However, he harbors a dark secret that explains how he achieved those dreams for his family- he knowingly shipped out faulty airplane parts during wartime. Up until the time of the play, Keller did not believe he did a terrible thing by shipping those parts out. As he explains, when he came home from jail he was like an expert on the whole jail thing and, over time, the children got it confused and [he] ended up a detective(29). Or, more clearly, he went from being the bad guy to being the good guy. In Kellers mind, he was the good guy because he saved his family from being poor and having their reputations in the gutter. He says to his wife, you wanted money, so I made money(76). To him, he simply did what he had to do to protect and take care of his family. At that point in his life he was not able to see the big picture of things; he was only able to see one little contour, just one small piece, of what makes up the universe. Furthermore, it is evident that Kellers small piece of the universe, his family, is what is most important to him. Throughout the play he tells Chris that everything he has done with the business , including sending out cracked gear heads, was for Chris: it was a chance and I took it for you(70). Keller believed that he had to send out those parts so that he would still have a business to pass on to his son. Chris replies what is that, the world- the business?(70). He is asking his father if the whole world is the business. And the answer in Kellers mind is, as long as it takes care of his family, yes it is the world. Slowly, though, Keller begins to see just what his actions have caused to happen to other people. Take, for example, when he speaks to Ann about her father, Steve. He finds out that Ann and George never visit Steve in jail and that they dont even write to him. Keller is unable to understand why the children would crucify their father and he pleads with Ann to not make a murderer out of him(32). He realizes that Steves life was ruined and his relationships with his children, something that Keller gives very high value to, are ruined as well. It is also easy to believe that Keller doesnt want to see Steve crucified because if he is, that means that Keller should be too. And if Keller was punished for his actions, that means there is something bigger in the world than the relationship between father and son. The whole ordeal with Steve and Steves children gives Keller a clue that there may be bigger things in the world than familial relationships and also that there may be consequences to wrongful actions. Finally, Chris and Larry (posthumously) work to enlighten Keller that theres a universe of people outside and that [hes] responsible to it(84). Chris character alone serves as a guidepost to this revelation. He is the epitome of the idea of responsibility and accountability to society because he is the person that reaches for something he wants but pulls back because other people will suffer(16). Chris takes other peoples feelings and well-being into account before he acts. He learned to be so self-less in the war, as he watched his men kill themselves for each other. He describes it as a kind of responsibility. Man for man(35-36). He learned that you cannot only look out for yourself in this world, but you have to help other people out as well. And Larry, whom Keller thought shared his ideas on the way the world was made (with a forty-foot front), had a good sense that people must consider the good of the many before they act for the few. It is his letter to Ann, in which he states he cant bear to live anymore(83) because of what his father did, that brings everything crashing down around Keller. In the same way Larrys memorial tree came crashing down and allowed more light to shine into the arbor, his letter shined light onto the true ways of the universe. Everything that Keller stood for, everything he believed in was wrong. He finally realized that he did a terrible thing that killed not only strangers, but people who were fathers, brothers, and sons. In essence, he killed the thing he lives for; he killed family. This revelation drives home the idea that justice will inevitably be brought to the wrong-doers. Kellers karma comes back and makes him not only set everything right in the universe again but pay the ultimate price for his actions: death by his own hand. Chris, Ann, and Kate can now move forward, not bogged down by shame and guilt, and they can live.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect :: Child Abuse Domestic Violence

Child abuse has been here as long as the United States of America and throughout the history of the World. "Child abuse can cause serious harm to its victims. Estimates of the numbers of children who suffer physical abuse or neglect by parents or guardians range from about 1 percent of all children to about 15 percent, and figures are far higher if emotional abuse and neglect are included."(2. Quote from Encyclopedia Britannica 2007.) You see and hear about different cases of child abuse all the time in news reports, online, newspapers, film and sometimes by word of mouth in your community. We view these cases as deplorable acts of violence but why do we not we stop this altogether?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Tension in Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge :: A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller Essays

Tension in Arthur Miller’s A View From The Bridge The whole of this play involves symbolism, on many different levels. The end scene, in which Eddie takes his own life with his own knife, is symbolic of the self-destructive nature that led to such an ending. As Arthur Miller wished to write 'a modern Greek tragedy ´ it is likely that the symbolism of the dagger is Eddie’s sexuality, which drove him to his drastic actions and eventually death. During the confrontation earlier in the play Marco raised a chair like a weapon, symbolic of the fight yet to come. Rudolpho danced with Catherine when she had previously been attending to Eddie, symbolic of him taking her from Eddie’s life. Therefore it seems natural to reason that Miller intended the title of the play to have some significance other than the geography of the location. The most obvious interpretation is of the audience sharing with Alfieri an unbiased overview of the unfolding of events. It is like being able to see from a bridge over a river, our vision uncluttered by opinions as it would be by the side of the river, or perhaps even as part of the river. The spray and swirling of currents of a river could represent the uncertain nature of life that clouds our perceptions and the flow of water the rush of emotions that carry us from birth to death. Though, even Alfieri is not completely removed from the happenings of the play, he takes an active part in the play as well as providing the 'chorus ´ character of the Greek format that Miller used. He is part of the American culture, but also part of the Italian culture, he also knew the family "I had represented his father in an accident case some years before, and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way." Perhaps this is why he is able to give a balanced opinion and to counsel Eddie (though his advice is unheeded). On the bridge we have time to form opinions, to judge other people, to 'settle for half ´. It was his American audience that Miller addressed through Alfieri: "Most of the time now we settle for half and I like it better. But the truth is holy, and even as I know how wrong he was and his death useless, I tremble for, I confess that something perversely pure calls to me from his memory--not purely good, but himself, purely, for he allowed himself to be wholly known and for that I think I will love him more than all my sensible clients." This dilutes the feeling of superiority and detachment that we are

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Barometer Rising

The role of disaster In Barometer Rising symbolizes Canada as a rising nation monopolizing together through the resurfacing of concealed Identity, while In â€Å"The Marine Excursions of the Knights of Pathway† undermines collective Identity through the use of repetition and ironic humor. In Barometer Rising, Neil suffers a catastrophe that robs him of identity which pushes him to re-possession of self and struggle for legality in relation to place. His identity and alienation is related to the crisis of identity and psychological isolation of his community.He stands for growth f love, self-respect and community partly because of his desire expressed in ship designing, his daughter, Jean, and his feelings for his country, â€Å"halls throat became constricted and he had a furious desire for expression: this anomalous land, this sprawling waste of timber and rock and water where the only living sounds were the footfalls of animals or the fantastic laughter of a loon, this empt y tract of primordial silences and winds and erosion and shifting colors, this beadlike string of crude towns and cities tied by nothing but railway tracks, this nation undiscovered by, the rest of the world and unknown to Itself†¦ Ironically, he is blown up Like Halifax Is blown up; and he has to carry the Identity of an Englishman for two years, In order to survive. Both Neil and Halifax are blown up as part of a war for which they are not responsible. In the aftermath, Roadie Wan, Penelope twelve year old brother, discovers that what has happened is â€Å"not an adventure but a catastrophe. It is real, not â€Å"a vision transported from France or Serbia†¦ † However, the explosion in Halifax is not tragic, as Neil thinks, â€Å"no matter what the Canadians did over there, they were not living out the sociological results of their own lives when they crawled through the ranches of France. The war might be Canada's catastrophe, but It was not her tragedy; just as this explosion in Halifax was catastrophic but not tragic. † Contrastingly, Penelope is also a representation of love, self-respect and community. She bears the natural child and ensures it is well placed and accessible. She translates some of Nil's ideas about ship design Into substantial form.She declares the legitimacy of woman as expert and professional and fully realizable human being. Together they are, according to Angus Murray, â€Å"two people who could seem at home almost anywhere, who had inherited as a matter of course and in their own neutron the urbane and technical heritage of both Europe and the eastern united States. † Before the beginning of the novel, Neil, Penelope and Jean represent Canada. The war is a catastrophe to it and happens to it. It is not a sociological result of their lives nor Is It their tragedy. After the explosion Colonel Wan and Alex MacKenzie are dead. Angus Murray, the philosophical doctor has risen to the needs of his people.Fir stly, the narrator tells in his own way speaks about the town's social organization in his own way, for instance, † .. Everybody is in everything. On SST. Andrews Day every man in town wears a thistle on SST. George's Day why shouldn't a man feel glad that he's an Englishman? † and so n. Everybody in Marinara seems to be in perfect connection with everyone else, regardless of any differences in between various age and social groups, a society that is seemingly composed of a single unit, â€Å"So you will easily understand that of course everybody belongs to the Knights of Pathway and the Masons and Deflowers, Just as they all belong to the Snow Shoe Club and the Girls' Friendly Society†.Such a type of collective community is far from being beneficent to the town, as it creates an essentially inwards-oriented social organization that cares only for its immediate monuments, and is concerned with preserving its apparent uniformity, no matter now assure It gets Hereto fore, It also creates Ana encourages ten squalliest AT provincial ignorance and inwards-oriented isolation generating a small-town atmosphere, where everything is small and extremely insignificant in scope. For example, the residents of Marinara want to appear intellectual when they are really not People living in Marinara like to pretend to be scholarly, possessing greater knowledge than what they actually have. ,. The author has the narrator talking about the steamer Marinara Belle, using repetition to show his frustration, â€Å"Whether hey are built by Harlan and Wolff of Belfast, or whether, on the other hand, they are not built by Harlan and Wolff of Belfast, is more than one would like to say offhand†.People living in Marinara like to pretend to be scholarly, possessing greater knowledge than what they actually have. The story foreshadows the steamer having an accident; the narration turns to forewarning â€Å"for various reasons, several people did not end up on Mari nara Belle. † If the disaster had not taken place, people would have forgotten this fact but it did took place occur, and the uneventful and routine lives of the residents of the town got excited by this. Thus, anything related to the accident becomes a topic of interest immediately, and exaggerating every event causes accidental decisions and insignificant choices to transform into supernatural events.Meanwhile, on the steamer, the group of the people begins to separate into smaller groups, women go to on one deck of the ship, boys and young men to another, Dry. Gallagher and Dean Drone form one group, Mr.. Smith and his associates form another group, and so on. If the society as a whole is not present to impose the overall sameness on its members, the separate inhabitants of Marinara do have efferent natures, interests, and groups, each composed of specific members from the original society. This fact counters the story's earlier statement that everyone in Marinara essential ly acts and possibly dresses in a manner almost identical to each other.Furthermore, the society composed from people on Marinara Belle has no sense of organization, due to their lack of interaction between people in the town. Everybody in Marinara Just goes with the flow without feeling the need to properly co-operate with the others and form any sort of a plan other than whatever the custom will dictate. Everybody will be doing the same thing as the majority of the residents of Marinara will opt to do. As a result, this creates complete, and utter deterioration of plans. Such as, the steamer was supposed set to depart at six-thirty but the time for the departure moves forward is postponed to seven o'clock but eventually departs ; later Marinara Belle departs at seven-thirty, an hour later than the original schedule.This absence of responsibility and organization of the people from the town foreshadows later in the story the actions of the townspeople when he steamer sinks, and cha nges the routine of their lives disrupts order in their lives. Contrastingly, the story hardly mentions at all the supposedly the actual goal of the excursion, the picnic itself. The people of the overall community of Marinara split themselves into various smaller subgroups such as â€Å"boys under thirteen and girls over nineteen†. Back in the mainland town the residents of Marinara may act as if they all are a unified society regarding age or gender, but here the author makes it obvious that is not so.People of Marinara physically do split themselves into smaller vigorous within the original residents of Marinara group, and but subconsciously they stick to their subgroups regardless of what they consciously believe. However, once ten passengers Trot Marlboro get Deck on tenet steamer Ana Deign to nana back to the mainland, they begin to blend back from â€Å"little clusters† into a single unified group, â€Å"blended into unison by the distance. † The actual e vent is not very that big or problematic; as the narrator hurries to explain the steamer is in reality stuck on a sandbank in shallow waters, a very commonplace event for Marinara and the neighboring towns.While most people would be more irritated than afraid, an unrecognized crowd of people on Marinara Belle begins to slowly panic because they were never mentally prepared or equipped for situations like this. Soon there is a widespread panic all over the steamer due to lack of organization and character traits such as common sense and personal bravery, twitch explains their absences of unique personalities. It is here that the lack of order in the peoples' life becomes crucial in the story's development; the passengers of the steamer do not know what to do, because they never expected to do something about it in the first lace solve the problem.Firstly Initially, they pretend to act as if nothing was wrong at all, â€Å"they were all running round looking for sandwiches and cracki ng Jokes and talking of making coffee over the remains of the engine fires. † As the realization that things are wrong Upon realization, they go for the lifeboat and they succeed in getting several boatloads of people back to the shore, even though the lifeboat appears to be â€Å"a frail, clumsy thing. † When the survivors re-unite with their foils in Marinara, their initial panic crowd the rest, and they get involved with the disaster going to rescue people in a leaking boat. As the routine of their lives seems to break down because of the boating accident, the society of Marinara begins to transform at last.This transformation changes the residents of the town into a panicked and unrecognized crowd which makes it worsens the situation. The narrator begins to weaken under the pressure and lack of social order into nothingness, because of the absence of a real inter town society; there is nothing to hold the people together. To make matters worse, as the people on Mari nara Belle encounter their fellow-citizens ashore, the panic spreads from the boat back to the town and they practically lose heir heads. They start rowing all over the lake, seeking safety on Marinara Belle, forgetting that they were initially safe and but came to rescue the people on the steamer bringing even more absurdity into the situation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sending Children by Parcel Post

Sending Children by Parcel Post Its never easy traveling with children and often it can be expensive. In the early 1900s, some people decided cut costs by mailing their children via parcel post. Sending packages via the U.S. Parcel Post Service began on January 1, 1913. Regulations stated that packages could not weigh more than 50 pounds but did not necessarily preclude the sending of children. On February 19, 1914, the parents of four-year-old May Pierstorff mailed her from Grangeville, Idaho to her grandparents in Lewiston, Idaho. Mailing May apparently was cheaper than buying her a train ticket. The little girl wore her 53-cents worth of postal stamps on her jacket as she traveled in the trains mail compartment. After hearing of examples such as May, the Postmaster General issued a regulation against sending children by mail. This picture was meant as a humorous image to the end of such practice. (Picture courtesy of the Smithsonian Institute.)

Monday, October 21, 2019

8 Inspirational Sports Movie Quotes for Your Professional Life

8 Inspirational Sports Movie Quotes for Your Professional Life Everyone loves a good sports movie, right? Especially the ones that make you sniffle, while you pretend to be clearing dust out of your eye. (Darn it, Bad News Bears, why did no one believe in you?) And while they’re totally inspirational if you have athletic dreams of greatness, they also have plenty of great inspiration for all of us about how to persevere on our chosen paths. â€Å"A team isn’t a bunch of kids out to win. A team is something you belong to, something you feel, something you have to earn.† –The Mighty Ducksâ€Å"Having dreams is what makes life tolerable.† –Rudy  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You didn’t come into this life just to sit around on a dugout bench, did ya? Now get your ass out there and do the best you can.†- The Bad News Bears [via Tumblr]  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Going in one more round when you don’t think you can- that’s what makes all the difference in your life.†- Rocky IVâ€Å"Well, I just think this horse h as a lot of heart. He may have been down, but he wasn’t out. He may have lost a few, but he didn’t let it get to him†¦Oh, and by the way, he doesn’t know he’s little. He thinks he’s the biggest horse out there.†- Seabiscuitâ€Å"The hard is what makes it great.†- A League of Their OwnSo take your new motivation, go out there, and win one for the Gipper! Er, rather, win one for you.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crime and Violence in Film essays

Crime and Violence in Film essays The films Bonnie and Clyde (1967, Arthur Penn) and Scarface (1932, Howard Hawks) are set in the same basic time period, the 1930s, though the films were made more than thirty years apart and reflect different sensibilities in keeping with the time of production. At the same time, they also reflect certain similar ideas about the nature of crime and violence, its origin, and the societal elements that contribute to crime and violence. Both films are violent, though the 1967 film is more overtly violent and also more able to show the results of violence in a more realistic way as people whoa re shot bleed, often profusely, unlike the characters in the 1932 film, who are more likely to be shot and expire with hardly a mark on them. The gangster film is a uniquely American genre based on a number of images and characters found in film after film. Thomas Schatz describes film genres as something that can be viewed as systems that have developed within the confines of commercial filmmaking in order to sell films to audiences that want a certain type of experience. Any genre can also be defined as a cultural artifact that becomes a meaningful system when recognized as such. The gangster genre is one genre based on an inherent ambiguity in terms of the underlying value system, and in time this ambiguity has worked its way into American culture (Schatz 95). The screen gangster emerged from headlines beginning in the 1920s as "Hollywood exploited the notoriety and social significance of their real-world counterparts while it adjusted their character and environment to the peculiar demands of Hollywood narrativity" (Schatz 82). Scarface is such a fim and was produced at a time when the pubic was much interested i n and frightened of gangsters who were at the time creating a bloodbath on the streets of cities like Chicago. Scarface Camonte in the 1932 film is an ambitious man on the rise in his world because of his brutality, and th...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Leading, managing and developing people Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leading, managing and developing people - Outline Example 318). Contracted workers will not access HR training and development. They also lose their benefits such as the medical insurance packages. Considering the negative change in treatment, contracted workers of Tiger Cars will cease from doing extra work that they could have done if they could be working on a permanent basis. Psychological contract provides an explanation for the eminent decrease in the output if the company implements its employment strategy. In the long-term the expansion plan may not work well due to issues of HR that may arise. The HR is likely to experience inflated costs of remuneration, in the long run, when they lay-off workers (LIU, 2009 p. 30). The HR department will have to hire consultants at high rates to fill the gaps of knowledge left by staff reductions. The HR will ignore the cost of cutting staff. However, with the expansion of the company the HR will face the challenge of making replacement to the lost comprehension of the firm, its processes and customers (Mazur, 2012 p. 1). It will lead to revenue loss and reduced productivity. The contracted former employees will also undertake the contracted work only without offering extra skill (Pesqueux, 2012 p. 1). Tiger Car LTD must consider implementing strategies that boost the commitment, attitudes, and their relationship with the contracted employers (Collins, Cartwright and Hislop, 2012 p. 211). Improving work conditions and implementing some exchange model between the contracted workers and the organization can boost the employee’s commitment. In addition, the provision of training, improved supervision, and the provision of co-worker support can ensure that the output of the contracted workers is boosted significantly (Jafri, 2014 p. 168). Sadiq, S. (2014). Relationship between Psychological Contract Violation, Supervisory Support, Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.  IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(3),

Friday, October 18, 2019

Relationship between Sound and Space in I am Seating in a Room by Essay

Relationship between Sound and Space in I am Seating in a Room by Alvin Lucier - Essay Example Instead, the artists who firmly occupy one discipline – composers who compose music, artists who create visual art, and architects who fashion functional space – find themselves more readily embraced by critics and audiences. Artists whose work combines all of these disciplines however often encounter a chilly, if not confused, critical and audience response. Susan Philipsz, who won the Turner Prize in 2010, has been called the â€Å"first artist working with sound to have won the prize,† and some sound artists view this development as a positive harbinger for the discipline as a whole (Searle n.p.) Searle describes Philipsz as â€Å"just a singer, with the sort of voice you might feel lucky to come across at a folk club. But there is much more to Philipsz than a good voice. All singers, of course, are aware of the space their voice occupies, of the difference between one hall and another...But the way Philipsz sites recordings of her voice is as much to do with place as with sound† (Searle n.p.). True, Philipsz’s use of sound is extraordinary. However, Philipsz is still â€Å"singing† in the traditional sense of the word. ... Sound artists define the term polymath; they straddle multiple disciplines, including art, music, performance art, and architecture, and become masters in each. However, the critical community has not caught up to the speed at which these artists process the physical world. Aside from the occasional Burning Man performance, for the most part sound artists remain in obscurity. This reality exists because sound art by nature occupies a fractious, shadowy space between two critical perspectives that harbor two powerful biases: the visual bias of the so-called â€Å"visual† art school of criticism, and the â€Å"music† bias of the music school of criticism. Both biases persist and effectively hamstring critics to discuss one or the other, but never both. Is it art, or is it music? Is it sound, or is it art? As Cox argues, â€Å"the broader field of sound art has been ignored by musicologists, art historians, and aesthetic theorists. The open-ended sonic forms and often sit e-specific location of sound installations thwart artists musicological analysis, which remains oriented to the formal examination of discrete sound structures and performances, while the purely visual purview of art history allows its practitioners not only to disregard sound art but also to gloss over the sonic strategies of Postminimalism and Conceptualism† (Cox 146). Never mind that music itself is a form of sound – in fact, all noise that the human ear processes can be conceived of as such – yet the polarizing critical perspectives persist, to the detriment of scholars and audiences alike. As Cox explains, â€Å"sound art remains so profoundly undertheorized, and†¦has failed to generate a rich and compelling critical literature†¦because the prevailing theoretical models are inadequate to it.